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Probate is the lawful process that takes place after someone dies which facilitates the distribution of their assets and settlement of their debts. When an individual dies, their property and assets (referred to as their estate) are left behind. Probate is the legal process used to identify, value and finally distribute the assets of the deceased person’s estate, in accordance with the deceased person’s Will (should there be one). While it is possible to handle probate without an attorney, it can be a complex and time-consuming process.

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The probate process starts when an executor or personal representative named in the will files a petition with the court initiating the process. If there is no will and no legal attorney to appointed to represent the deceased and their estate, the court will appoint an administrator to manage the estate.

During the probate process, the court will verify the validity of the will (if there is one), identify and catalogue the deceased person’s assets, firstly paying any debts and taxes owed by the estate and then distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries named in the will or, according to the law.

Probate can be a time-consuming and complex process, especially if the deceased person had a substantial or complicated estate. It is therefore highly recommended to work with an attorney who specialises in probate Sunbury to help navigate the process and ensure that everything is handled properly.

In some cases, probate Shepperton can be straightforward and simple, for example, if the estate is small, with few assets and a clear distribution plan, probate may be handled by the executor. However, if the estate is intricate, with significant assets, debts, or tax matters, or if there are disputes among heirs or beneficiaries, it is advisable to work with Lodge Legal Probate attorneys, who specialise in probate Walton and can assist with the navigation of the process. Working with an experienced probate West Byfleet attorney can help to ensure that everything is handled properly and that the estate is settled in a timely and efficient manner.

Lodge Legal solicitors will help you with the legal requirements of probate, including filing the necessary paperwork, complying with deadlines, requirements and communicating with the court and other parties involved in the process. They can also provide guidance on the distribution of assets and help to resolve any disputes that may arise.

It’s also a good idea to start thinking about making these arrangements once you reach the age of 18 years old. At this age, you may want to consider creating a will and designating beneficiaries for your assets, as well as selecting a person or persons to act as your executor, who will manage your estate after your death. It’s important to keep in mind that these arrangements are not set in stone and can be updated as your circumstances change. It’s always a good idea to consult with Lodge Brothers Legal attorneys to help you create a plan that suits your needs and goals.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services understands all the aspects of Probate

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The passing of a loved one can change your world in an instant. In one moment, everything is as it should be, and then within a heartbeat, it can all come crashing down. Sometimes we are prepared for the passing of our loved one in that we know it is coming but it does not take away the impact of that final moment when it actually happens. No matter how mentally prepared you may be, especially when a person has an illness for an extended period of time, there is always that sense of hope that things will be ok. When that call comes and hope dissolves, you need a support structure in place to help you navigate the unknown road ahead.

Grieving loved ones, are advised to include, in their support system, a probate legal expert.

When it comes to the legalities associated with the end of life, Lodge Brothers Legal Services probate Shepperton knows what is needed to the executor of an estate is responsible for the probate West Byfleet process which authenticates a last will and testament of the deceased person.

Should the deceased have a will in place, Lodge Brothers Legal Services have the training and expertise required to facilitate the court-administered legal process of probate Walton. Even more importantly, when an individual does not have a last will and testament, the process can become significantly more difficult. While families deal with the immense emotional grief which they must face when their loved one passes, Lodge Brothers Legal Services solicitors take care of the legal logistics.

There are 4 steps to the probate Sunbury process. Firstly, the will, should there be one, has to be proved for authenticity. This is required to make sure that the Will is the most valid and latest version. In order for this to happen, a case is filed at the court. Once the court has validated the Will, the court will be in contact with the relevant beneficiaries and creditors. Before the beneficiaries can inherit assess indicated in the Will, creditors will need to be paid. Thus clearing all debts and outstanding taxes, so that the court can process the remaining assets as stipulated by the Will. At this stage there may be objections raised either as a result of complicated family dynamics or resulting from the process whereby all debts were settled. Should the debts out-weigh the assets, beneficiaries would not be advised and this may cause financial and emotions stress for the family. Should the estate be unaffected by the debtors payments, an inventory of the properties and other assets such as jewelry, furniture and other possessions. The assessment covers everything from bank accounts affected by joint-tenancy with rights of survivorship, to distinguishing between probate or non-probate assets and properties.

At the end of the probate process the assets will be distributed according to the instructions found within the Will. The process of executing probate and closing an estate can be a long and difficult one and your Lodge Brothers Legal Services attorney will be available for consultation until such time as all details are legally finalised.


Ask a Probate Lawyer

Lodge Brothers Legal services is a team of dedicated attorneys who specialise in assisting with Lasting Power of attorney, Wills and Probate services. Inspired by personal attention Lodge Brother Legal aims to provide practical and caring services to all who reach out to them in their time of need.

Where a person is taking the proactive approach to their end-of-life management, or planning ahead for the protection of their families, they can be assured that they will have all of their questions answered and be provided with answers to questions that they didn’t know they had yet.

A probate Guildford process is one which deals with the administrative side of a person’s estate once they are deceased. This is something that most people will need however which few are aware of. Reaching out to an attorney to assist you with the process is the fastest and most accurate way of making sure that all T’s are crossed, and I’s are dotted. The probate Ashford process is approved by the Probate Registry which must take place before the process can proceed. There are 2 types of probate Feltham processes which is dependant on whether or not the deceased person has left a valid Will, or not. As long as there is a valid Will, the Grant of Probate will be required if there is an executor of the estate. This is where it is beneficial to have consulted with Lodge Brother Legal attorneys in preparation of this time, as they will ensure that the Will is valid and they will then be able to be nominated as executor of your probate process, keeping it simple and in the right hands.

Should a person die without a Will or the Will is found or be legally invalid, the Probate Registry will need to provide a Grant of Letters of Administration. When a person passes under these circumstances, the person is deemed to have died intestate and the administration of their Will will fall to the legal system to establish the most correct way to administer the estate of the deceased. It is highly advisable for a person to have their Will drawn up by professional attorneys who will ensure that there are no loopholes which may raise questions as to the validity of their Will. Those who are caught short in this area may leave their estate in the hands of the courts and as such, may result in intended recipients of the estate to lose out on what you intended to provide for them after your death.

A lasting power of attorney will assist in situations where, should you fall victim to a situation which may render you powerless to speak for yourself and advise what you would like to happen in the event of your death, whether you would like to be considered an organ donor, whether you would like heroic actions in the event of resuscitation and general provide guidance as to how you would like to be treated medically should you not be of sound mind to do so on your own behalf.